October 10, 2010

Brian Buying American

I love me some "Family Guy."  Besides being just funny, it has plenty of social commentary and satire, which I feel is generally on-point.  I don't agree with 100% of what Seth McFarlane says with the show...But maybe 99%.  And the fact that he makes equal fun of everyone is a plus.

But episode 2 from the current season (9, by the way) had something that made me a little sad.  Take a look (starting at 16:05, ending with the scene change):

Since when is American stuff this crappy?  I'll admit - I haven't bought a lot of American gadgets because I just don't have the budget, but I've never run into this problem with what products I or others have bought.  I think that the most disappointing thing about it was that it'll only discourage people from buying domestic products, which in the end is worse for the economy, the environment, and human rights.  My hatred of anything made in China is pretty well documented, so I'll admit I'd have found this fair if the scene was about Chinese products, but what was the last time you heard about an American toy manufacturer putting lead in their toys?  Or putting contaminated ingredients in pet food?  Or killing over 6000 infants by contiminating formula in order to make it appear to have a high protein content?

I rest my case.

It's just so frustrating to see American products lambasted unfairly in such a popular medium, and in one of the more popular venues of that medium.  If there is a problem with American products that I haven't noticed, I hope that "Family Guy" will spur a change; but even if it does, it might still hurt the market - it doesn't matter how good your product is if no one's buying it.

Then again, considering how China has proven time and time again that if you build it cheaply, they will come (even if it kills them), maybe I'm worrying over nothing.